Submit your order in advance

we’ll get it ready and minimize your time in the shop


We are keeping our pre-order page to customers who wish to expedite their pickup at the distillery package store.

1) Please use this form or call 801-382-9921 to setup an appointment time. Our regular hours are Wednesday to Saturday 11am to 6pm or by appointment for larger orders on Monday or Tuesday.

2) Please let us know if you have ongoing COVID concerns, medical precautions, or sensitivities. We can use maximum precautions for preparing your order.

3) When you arrive, we will check your ID and quickly process your payment. We’ll have your order ready, and can get you in and out in seconds.

4) Commercial customers can submit tax-free orders via the pre-order page provided we have already received a copy of your TC-721 tax document for our DABC reporting.